Whoever you are, the opportunity remains open examination. Checking tax is one thing that most avoided by every Wajib Pajak. In fact, Compulsory Taxes often have to pay again the amount of tax is considered paid less. No half-hearted, it is possible that the amount should be paid the amount of tens or even hundreds of times the amount of tax that has been paid. This fact and the real.

Whether the phenomenon is real? On the one hand, our taxation system memanglah not perfect. On the other hand, it is added to the quality of its own Tax Payer, which is always trying to find ways - good or bad - to avoid from paying taxes. This may encourage tax payer to try to "outsmart" book-keeping and fishing apparatus to be constantly suspicious. Plus, this Lack clear again with a lack of understanding on the Tax payer and tax officer conditions easily make corrections .

It is too difficult if the tax payer expects tax system soon to be better and more ideal. This is the same with the hope that everyone turns to volunteer to pay taxes. Difficult to expect that tax rules can be more understood and to understand, easy and cheap as soon as possible. For we know, is to promote the interests of the authority and tax revenues regulate things from the tax.

And we know also, that the interests of Obligation Tax burden is reduced for everything, including income tax. This is clearly contrary. Contravention of conditions can be minded as a game and competition, or as a form of cooperation to share the arena of welfare, between Tax payer, people and countries. Any orientation and point of view you choose, one thing is certain that as you must have a Tax payer stock enough. How adequate?

Adequate provision must be measured from the characteristics of the arena itself. What is it?

First, the stock that you need is a collection of rules. All interaction with the tax authority must be based by the rules. You need a database software taxation.

Next, you must want to take the time to understand and continue to update the rules and tax rules tax examination, because each step of your business transactions and certain tax diintai by.

Next, you need to know how to prepare for the bookkeeping and tax inspections.

Then, you must also understand how to face and interact with the tax inspector in real time.

Next, you must understand how to understand and communicate with berargumentasi and tax officials in order to maintain the amount of tax that you pay, so that does not have to pay taxes again.

Then, you must know how to respond to attitudes and behavior apparatus correctly and wisely, so that not one step or one hot and one oddity.

Then, you must know how to maneuver to avoid a situation that is not beneficial when dealing with the examiner. After all finished, you should also know how to follow up the results of tax inspections. Also it must proceed with the understanding of how to make adaptations to the various things in the bookkeeping and transactions.

See the results of a review with a note book or in the client to comply with the applicable tax regulations, to identify potential tax liability and plan the steps to address them in terms of the Tax Audit.

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